I don't don't know the difference between them, so you'll want to experiment: I do not own Wavtool 2 and can't find it. Wavtools- (These are entered in the Tool 1 part of the project property) Phavoco- This one can make the entire UST raspy of muffled depending of the voicebank used. All flags except H, h, C, D, E and b work. Model4- This can sometimes be realistic with the BRE, but is really unstable. You can't really use them, but It's kinda fun to mess around with them: These two were believed to be bad or unstable and were therefore never released as an official sampler.
Go to this website to download and to find the flags: .edu/index.php/7/the-complete-moresampler-tutorial/#setting-up Moresampler- My favorite sampler, this one is both a wavetool and a sampler. I don't really have much knowledge on this one. Vs4u- This one seems to work best on low notes. On it's own, it is just like resampler, however you can use the flag "w" to raise or lower the growl of the note. Utaugrowl- This one will make your voicebank growl. It shouldn't be used on high notes, as it weakens them. It makes it smooth and strengthens the consonants. I don't know anything about the flags.ĮFB-GT- Works well with soft voices. It tends to sound more realistic, but if Tn_fnds doesn't work, this is why.ĮFB-PB- Works well with soft voices. When recording, you can have one path where everything is squished together, or two paths, where the noise is split between them depending on how we hear noises. Stereo samples are just samples that are at a higher quality.

This sampler also doesn't take stereo samples. I don't know the range, but it seems to go past 0-100. I'm not sure if the O flag is specifically for this sampler, but it basically just muffles it and adds background noise. It only accepts the g, A, t, B, O and e flags. The e flag is used without a value, and makes this sampler stretch the long notes instead of looping them. This is also known for being a little off pitch at times and lagging. This strengthens low notes and works with soft voices the best. DO NOT use ACPT on this sampler, because it doesn't work. I don't know it's range, as it worked at 600, but about 200 seems to muffle it a lot. I'm not 100% sure what S does, but I think it muffles the notes and makes them sound like they are coming from an old radio. It goes from 0-100 and the higher the number, the raspier it is. It goes from 0 to over 300, but I couldn't figure out the exact range. V messes with the "raspyness" of the note. The higher the number, the more the vibrato can be heard. You need to have some BRE when using this.
This can really only be used on softer voices, because it makes stronger voices crack and go robotic. It can create noise, and doesn't work with a lot of voicebanks.īkh01- This flag makes realistic voices. You can download that here: This voicebank isn't that good. Instead of stretching the note like other samplers, TIPS just loops it. This also works really well with male voices. The only other flags that work with it are H, P, t and g. pmk files (These are what your cache files are) R forces TIPS to regenerate these files to make them better. frq files when they render your ust however TIPS creates. Be careful when using this on smooth voices, as I've found it can make them sound "demonic". However, it can also make the voice sound more robotic. TIPS- This works well with softer voices, and strengthens them in high/low notes. It also cancels the noise in the background. It can strengthen voices when they are in the right range, however anything too high makes the voice kinda raspy. (This just means that you have to wait longer for your song to play)įresamp14- This is similar to Fresamp. Fresamps take longer to render compared to other samplers. I find it doesn't make a difference with male voicebanks.įresamp- Fresamp works well with getting rid of that "staticy" noise in the background. This works best with soft voices, especially female. Resampler_ug- From what I can tell, this softens the voice and gets rid of noise in the background. This comes with UTAU, so you don't need to download this. This one is this one has a stronger affect when using BRE, but other than that is just the basic sampler. I'm certain that you may never use several of these. Just download the ones you want or are interested in using. You will need to download each one separately: Do you need all of these? No. Here is a folder containing all the samplers. Here are all the samplers and what they do/are used for. All samplers are different, some better than others. Samplers are the "thing" that reads and plays your notes. Samplers? No, not the people who give you little samples in the store.